Join High Touch High Tech MSP in Macy’s Court for hands-on scientific exploration experiences!

Ignite your curiosity about science with stations to learn about how tornadoes and lightning are made, how to build a catapult, kitchen chemistry, geology, paleontology + more STEAM experiments.

About High Touch High Tech of the Twin Cities

High Touch High Tech of the Twin Cities is a local source for fun early childhood hands-on science education. Their standards-based, compelling lessons ignite a child's natural curiosity about science, helping them to build problem-solving skills, increase self-esteem + create confidence to try something new.

Their programs expose kids, at an early age, to the amazing world of science and nature and are designed to enhance the science curriculum in each classroom. Using in-school field trips, High Touch High Tech creates in-classroom laboratories where students conduct experiments and analyze the results. By using discovery-style learning and inquiry, science is brought to life for every student.

Science experiments are brought to Pre-K and elementary classrooms all around the Metro area. All STEAM experiments encourage students to explore the many wonders of a variety of sciences – chemistry, ecology, geology, biology, physics, meteorology + astronomy - helping them to develop a lifelong love of science.